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Name of Project: Sun City Tarlac (2018)

Location: San Nicolas, Tarlac City

Sun City Tarlac is a mixed-use development reviving the town of San Nicolas, Tarlac City. This 4-hectare property will imbibe Live-Work-Play lifestyle concept as this prime complex will be the new center for business, commercial, and accommodation in the North of Manila. The development is fronting the Ninoy Aquino Boulevard (Romulo Highway) as its major access, connecting the site to MacArthur Highway and P. Burgos Street. On the rear side of the property, the existing transport terminal is accessed through Zafiro Street and will also serve as its secondary access. Sun City Tarlac consists of public and private facilities to cater its surrounding community, as well as, its neighboring towns. The development includes offices, hotel, stripmalls, a transport terminal, gasoline stations and trading center.

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