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Name of Project: Verdant Strip

Location: Governor’s Drive, Carmona, Cavite

Verdant, meaning “rich vegetation” is the core concept of this 3.4-hectare development along Governor’s Drive in Carmona, Cavite. The project is a mixed-use hub composed of 6 commercial clusters, 1 hotel, 1 service apartment and 2 office buildings. Covered link bridges, skywalks, and arcades are incorporated into the buildings all throughout the development to allow an unimpeded flow of pedestrians. Scenic elevators are strategically located in between clusters to cater the PWD’s and elderly.

Girded by commercial clusters is the activity center for events and concerts; the activity center has a north and a south stage linked together with a dancing fountain at the middle. The activity center is designed with radial floor patterns of landscape, granite and water feature. Horizontal Landscaping from the floor patterns continuously wraps the façade vertically through green walls.

Commercial clusters are designed with chamfered facade to accentuate wider frontage and funnel pedestrians towards the heart of the development. Commercial clusters are designed to allow 24-hour business hours promoting night life in area.

Hotel and service apartment buildings are designed efficiently with 168 hotel rooms and 90 service apartment rooms respectively. Both towers are coupled together to a single podium, at the podium are the amenities such as swimming pools, function areas, Gym, Spa and Garden deck.

For the future development, offices are anticipated to the northwest and southeast part of the property, to complete the masterplan of self-sustaining business district in the Carmona, Cavite area.

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